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Legalized cannabis: A wind of change is coming

Espritvert • March 7, 2023

Author's note: This text will approach the legalization of cannabis in a humorous tone and will not take a position for or against this decision. It will simply be a reflection on the changes that could occur following this legalization.

Legalized cannabis: A wind of change is coming

If you've been living on Earth for more than a year, you've probably heard about the legalization of cannabis in some countries and American states. You might have even thought that it wouldn't change anything in your life. But think again, my friends! The legalization of cannabis could have unsuspected consequences on our daily lives. Don't believe me? Just keep reading.

Firstly, imagine yourself shopping at the supermarket. You're calmly choosing between two brands of cereal when you smell a familiar scent. A scent that reminds you of your college years (or afternoons spent listening to Bob Marley). You look up and see a man smoking a joint in the fresh produce aisle. But is this really a problem? Is he allowed to do this now that cannabis is legal? Well, yes and no. If the law allows for the consumption of cannabis, it doesn't mean that everyone can smoke wherever they please. The rules will certainly be similar to those for alcohol: no consumption in public, no driving under the influence, etc.

Now, imagine that you're an employer in a company. You just posted a job advertisement and received many applications. You conduct interviews, evaluate the candidates' skills, in short, follow the usual recruitment steps. And then, you come across a CV that catches your attention. The candidate has experience, has the required skills, but in the hobbies section, he wrote smoking cannabis. What should you do? Can you reject a candidate because of their hobbies? This situation is delicate, and we don't yet have a clear answer to this question. It's possible that companies will be obliged to tolerate cannabis consumption outside working hours, but that remains to be confirmed.

Finally, think of all the people who ended up in prison for being caught with cannabis. With legalization, can these people be released? Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. Generally, legalization doesn't retroactively affect past convictions. However, some American states have made exceptions and have started releasing people imprisoned for cannabis-related offenses. Let's hope that other countries will follow their example.

Of course, the legalization of cannabis will also have positive consequences. It will allow people suffering from chronic pain, anxiety disorders, or depression to obtain cannabis for therapeutic purposes. It should also help to combat the black market and traffickers. But it's important not to overlook the potential negative consequences.

In conclusion, the legalization of cannabis is an important decision that will have consequences for our society. Although some effects may seem insignificant, it's important to consider all aspects of this decision. And if you ever come across someone smoking a joint in the fresh produce aisle, don't hesitate to offer them a chocolate bar to accompany their snack. After all, we're all in the same boat.