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Legalized Cannabis: New Eldorado or Danger?

Espritvert • March 6, 2023


Hello everyone and welcome to this new blog article! Today, we will talk about a topic that has been making headlines lately: the legalization of cannabis. Some see it as a golden opportunity for the economy and public health, while others cry scandal and the decline of our society. So, legalized cannabis: new Eldorado or danger? The answer is in the rest of the article!

First part: The advantages

First, let's look at the advantages that the legalization of cannabis could bring. Firstly, it would put an end to the black market that has developed around this plant. No more dubious transactions in dark alleys, rogue dealers, and risks to public safety. Instead, a market regulated and controlled by the state, which could reap significant benefits.

Furthermore, the legalization of cannabis could have beneficial effects on public health. Indeed, the products sold would be of controlled quality, with precise doses of THC and CBD. No more risk of overdose or undesirable side effects. In addition, this could allow better prevention and management of addiction, with follow-up and risk reduction programs.

Finally, we must not forget the economic benefits of the legalization of cannabis. This could create many jobs in the production, sale, and distribution of this plant. Moreover, the taxes generated could be used to fund social or public health programs or to reduce the public deficit.

Second part: The disadvantages

Of course, there are also disadvantages to the legalization of cannabis. First, there is the risk of increased consumption, especially among young people. If cannabis is easily available and socially acceptable, some may be tempted to abuse it, which could have detrimental effects on their mental and physical health.

Furthermore, there is the issue of driving under the influence of cannabis. Even if the plant is legal, it is still illegal to drive under its influence. However, this can be difficult to control, especially if the legislation is not clear and the screening tests are not reliable.

Finally, there is the issue of the stigmatization of cannabis. Even if the plant is legal, there will always be people who consider it dangerous and immoral. This could lead to discrimination or prejudice against consumers, which is not desirable in a just and equitable society.


So, legalized cannabis: new Eldorado or danger? As often, the answer is not simple. The legalization of cannabis has both advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons before forming an opinion. In the end, it will be up to lawmakers to decide whether to legalize cannabis and how to regulate it.