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Legal cannabis: a green revolution

Espritvert • March 19, 2023

Author's note: This article is fictitious and not intended to promote the consumption of cannabis. It is a humorous approach that should not be taken seriously.

Cannabis has just been legalized in our country, and it's a real green revolution! All weed enthusiasts can now smoke a little joint without fear of being arrested by the police. But does this legalization not have unexpected consequences on our society?

Firstly, there is the problem of food. We know that cannabis can stimulate the appetite, but with legalization, the entire food chain is at risk of being disrupted. Will fast-food restaurants offer a special Stoner menu? Will pizzerias see their turnover explode? And what about home food deliveries, which may be overwhelmed with orders at all hours of the day and night?

But the legalization of cannabis can also have positive effects on our economy. Indeed, the cannabis market already generates billions of dollars in the United States, where the drug has been legalized in several states. Why not do the same here? The government could thus recover some of this money by taxing the sale of cannabis, which would finance social or public health projects.

And why not go further by using cannabis as a raw material for new products? For example, one could imagine hemp clothing, which would be both environmentally friendly and trendy. Or cosmetics based on cannabis oil, known for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Who knows, perhaps future fashion show stars will be dressed in cannabis leaves!

Of course, the legalization of cannabis also raises security questions. How can we prevent minors from buying drugs? How can we prevent traffickers from continuing to operate? Solutions exist, such as the implementation of a controlled sales system or the creation of licensed distribution centers. But we must remain vigilant and act quickly if we want to avoid legal cannabis becoming a public health problem.

Finally, the legalization of cannabis is also a question of individual freedom. Everyone should be able to decide freely whether or not to consume this drug, without fearing the reprisals of justice. This does not mean, however, that we should encourage the consumption of cannabis, nor minimize the risks associated with this practice. But it mainly involves recognizing that prohibition does not work, and that it is time to try something else.

In conclusion, the legalization of cannabis is a green revolution that can have both positive and negative consequences on our society. But rather than demonizing this drug or considering it a miracle cure, we must consider its use in a reasoned and responsible manner. And above all, don't forget: smoking kills, but laughing prolongs life!