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Cannabis: Legal Revolution or Psychotropic Mirage?

Espritvert • March 21, 2024

**Article: Cannabis: Legal Revolution or Psychotropic Mirage?**

Ah, cannabis! This plant that divides as much as it intrigues. Between staunch supporters and wary detractors, the legalization of this green herb sparks many heated debates.

Some proclaim a revolution, seeing in this legalization a new breath for the economy and society. Others, more skeptical, fear a psychotropic mirage with unpredictable consequences.

Between the smoke lines and fiery speeches, one question persists: is cannabis a new Eldorado or just a chimera? One thing is certain, this plant leaves no one indifferent.

So, whether you are for or against, one thing is certain: cannabis will continue to fuel our conversations and debates, between smoky laughter and serious reflections. And you, which side do you choose in this war of herbs?