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Miraculin: The miracle berry of taste!

Espritvert • April 15, 2023


Food is an essential element of our lives. We eat to survive, but also for pleasure. However, there are foods that are not very pleasant to eat. You know, those foods that have a bitter or sour taste that make you grimace as soon as you put them in your mouth. Well, my friends, I have a solution for you: miraculin!

What is miraculin?

Miraculin is a small red berry that grows in West Africa. It contains a protein that modifies the perception of taste. In other words, it makes bitter or sour foods taste sweet! Imagine eating a slice of lemon and feeling like you're eating a strawberry candy. That's miraculin!

How does it work?

Miraculin binds to the tongue receptors responsible for detecting sour or bitter tastes. It blocks these receptors and activates those that detect sweet taste. This means that when you eat something sour or bitter after consuming miraculin, you no longer feel bitterness or acidity, but rather sweetness.

But be careful, miraculin doesn't work with all foods. It can't turn a steak into a cake, for example. It mainly works with acidic or bitter foods such as citrus fruits, vinegars, pickles, green tomatoes, etc.

The benefits of miraculin

Miraculin has many benefits. First, it can help people who have taste problems or who have undergone chemotherapy and have lost their ability to taste food. It can also be used to make bitter medicines more palatable.

In addition, miraculin can be useful for people with diabetes or weight problems. Indeed, it allows sweetening foods without adding sugar, which can help reduce calorie consumption.

How to use miraculin?

Miraculin is usually sold in tablet or powder form. Simply put a tablet or a small amount of powder on your tongue and let it dissolve for a few minutes. After that, you can eat the sour or bitter foods you want.

However, it is important to note that miraculin is not a sugar substitute. It should not be used to completely replace sugar in your diet. It should rather be considered as an occasional alternative.


In conclusion, miraculin is a small red berry that can transform your culinary experience. It makes bitter or sour foods taste sweet, which can be very useful for people with taste or weight problems. However, it should not be used as a sugar substitute and should be consumed in moderation. So, the next time you feel like eating something sour or bitter, try miraculin and discover a new way to savor food!